Safe Scout is a Report Management web app which allows employees give update and real time report to their organization on projects.
To be a top organization in report system scheme.
To ensure an effective and good work report communication between organizations and their employees.
Organize your project with good report management with safe scout. We provide good remote report system which ensure quick feedback from your employees. Safe Scout renders and assures quality service, great user experience and feeling. Quick navigation with no glitch.
Safe Scout is a Report Management web app which allows employees give update and real time report to their organization on projects. Safe Scout enhances good project communication between organizations and their employees on allocated projects.
You can only signup as an organization. Upon signup, the Administrators would verify and grant you access to operate and you have a generic code. As an organization, you can create a Manager account and an Employee account. Click SignUp to start.
The main objective of Safe Scout is to ensure "no-distance barrier" in report management in organization system on allocated project between organization and employees.
Report process involves organizations creating Report avenue as Questions which feedback are expected from the employees.
"Such an amazing web application. I enjoy the good report communication between I and my staffs. "
"It's exactly what i needed. I'll recommend SafeScout anyday, anytime. "
SafeScout uses the following approach towards effective good reporting communication
SafeScout ensures there is good linking up between Organizations and their employees.
Our effective reporting system ensures tracking of Users activities to ensure good report communication
Safe Scout ensures good and easy mode of operation
Our Users can enjoy reporting with our universal mode of report communication.
As an organization, create an account as a base level of reporting for your organization.
After Signing up as an organization, the Administrators reviews your company and approves your operation
As soon as you are approved, create a managerial account where your managers manges report and your employees
Employees are to be created by organizations. Create your Employees account so they can start giving report.
After all these steps have been done, you can start creating reports for your employees and expect feedbacks.